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8 February 2017

National Theatre Belgrade /Serbia


Violetta Valeri - Ekaterina Klementeva

Conducted by Ilmar Lapinsch



20 September 2016 on stage of Samara Philharmonic Society

Jubilee concert of composer Mark Levyant


18 May 2016  House of Cinema (Moscow, 13, Vasilyevskay Str.)

Concert "Hits for all times. Music to the famous movies"

Start at 19.00  muzcarta



2 May 2016 International Music Festival "EURO Orchestra" (Moscow region)

"Farewell to the Little Mermaid" by Evgeny Krylatov conducted by Segey Skripka


20, 22 December 2015

Premiere "La Traviata" by Verdi at Irkutsk Philarmonic Society conducted by Ilmar Lapinsh



New video : Summertime

New video : "I loves you Porgy"

New video : "My Man's Gone now" from "Porgy and Bess" by G.Gershwin, Samara Philharmonic Society, 10/10/2015









15 December 2015

Concert  "Impressionism in music. Claud Debussy"

Moscow, Golovanov Museum

Address : Brusov per, 7/10

Start : 15h.



10 October /Concert "Classics with the taste of Jazz"

George Gershwin "Porgy and Bess"

on stage of Samara Philharmonic Society


New Videos :

S.Rachmaninoff "Oh, never sing to me again"

W.A.Mozart Don Giovanni-Zerlina Duet

S.Rachmaninoff "Prayer"

S.Rachmaninoff "How fair this spot is"

S.Rachmaninoff "They answered"

S.Rachmaninoff "At night in my garden" 

S.Rachmaninoff "The Soldier's Wife"

S.Rachmaninoff "A Dream"

S.Rachmaninoff "Spring Waters"


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28 May 2015 / Irkutsk

Irkutsk Philharmonic Society

V International opera Festival " The Breath of Baikal"


Program: vocal pieces by S. Rachmaninoff

Start at 18.30







иркутск филарм














27 May 2015 / Irkutsk


Irkutsk Philharmonic Society

The opening of the V International Opera Festival

"The Breath of Baikal" concert

Program: Arias from P.Tchaikovsky operas




22 May 2015 / Moscow 


arranged by: Rakhmaninov Society, Moscow

Program: Vocal pieces by S. Rachmaninoff and

P. Tchaikovsky

Performers: Ekaterina Klementeva (soprano)

                   Vyacheslav Kirilyuk (baritone)

                   Lyudmila Dukhan (concertmaster)

                   Aiman Baimuldina (concertmaster)

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